Walcz z Aktem 447 i wyślij list do amerykańskich kongresmenów


Celem ustaw S. 447 i HR 1226. przyjętych przez senat USA jest odebranie mienia Polkom i przekazanie go w ręce Żydów, tak by Polacy w Polsce byli obywatelami drugiej kategorii. Nie można do tego dopuścić! By walczyć o prawa Polaków warto wysłać maile do członków Komisji Zagranicznej Izby Reprezentantów USA. Organizatorzy akcji przypominają, że: „w grudniu 2017 r. amerykański Senat zaaprobował jednogłośnie projekt ustawy 447 (Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today), która daje Departamentowi Stanu USA prawo do wspomagania organizacji międzynarodowych zrzeszających ofiary Holocaustu oraz wspierania ich poprzez swoje kanały dyplomatyczne w odzyskaniu żydowskich majątków, które nie mają spadkobierców. Zgodnie z procedurą projekt został skierowany do Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych, skąd następnie trafi pod głosowanie do Izby Reprezentantów. Na koniec ustawa znajdzie się na biurku prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych Donalda Trumpa”. Treść listu do Kongresmenów z Komisji Zagranicznej Izby Reprezentantów: Dear Member of the House of Representatives, I am your constituent residing at ……………………………………. I would like to urge you to vote against Bill H.R.1226 for the proposed Bill disregards historical truths and goes against the existing laws. 1.Restitution for heirless property, a misnomer in this case, is against the Western legal tradition and against the existing law. In all Western countries, the US included, heirless property escheats to the state. 2.The Bill HR1226 leaves out other ethnic, and religious groups who were killed by Germans during WWII and who left behind heirless properties. 3.Due to the fact that before WWII Poland had the largest Jewish community in Europe, a lot of properties belonging to the Jews who perished in the WWII were located in Poland. As a result, Poland is the main target of that Bill. 4.According to the 1960 Treaty between the communist government of Poland and the U.S., Poland agreed to compensate American nationals whose assets had been nationalized by the Polish communist government. The treaty included an indemnification agreement, which was intended to shield Poland from any additional claims and compensation demands. Signing into law and the actual enforcement of the reconciled Bills S447 and HR1226 would violate the terms of the 1960 Treaty between the United States and Poland. 5.Poland has resorted to various means in order to return properties to their rightful owners. 6.Thousands of people with legitimate title claims – regardless of their ethnic origin – have recovered and are still recovering their properties through the court system pursuant to the private property law. 7.Jewish religious and communal properties in Poland have been returned or compensated for by now, pursuant to the 1997 law. 8.The Bill treats Poland and her citizens as perpetrators of the Jewish Holocaust rather than another victim of WWII German atrocities. Poland suffered the most of all countries during WWII. Poland lost 3 million ethnic Poles and 3 million Polish Jews and experienced physical destruction like no other European country. Poland was betrayed in Yalta by her allies, Britain and the U.S., and placed under the Soviet devastating occupation and oppression for over forty years after the end of WWII. In this Bill one victim goes after another victim for compensation. That’s not justice. 9.Passage of the Bill could have a financially devastating effect on Poland, a strong ally of the United States in Central Europe. Severely weakened Poland would not be in the best interest of the US. I strongly urge you to vote against this grossly flawed Bill. Sincerely ............................. Adresy i telefony członków Komisji Zagranicznej Izby Reprezentantów: Adam Kinzinger, IL-16th, R tamara.edwards@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3635 Fax (202) 225-3521 Adriano Espaillat, NY-13th, D raphael.dominguez@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3635 Fax (202) 225-3521 Tel (202) 225-4365 Fax (202) 226-9731 Albio Sires, NJ-8th, D kaylan.koszela@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-7919 Fax (202) 226-0792 Ami Bera, CA-7th, D marguerite.biagi@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-5716 Fax (202) 226-1298 Tel (202) 226-1298 Fax (916) 635-0514 Ann Wagner, MO-2nd, R meghan.mccann@mail.house.gov Tel (202)225-1621 Brad Schneider, IL-10th, D gabrielle.hart@mail.house.gov Tel (202)225-4835 Fax (202)225-0837 Brad Sherman, CA-30th, D ashley.pennington@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-5911 Fax (202) 225-5879 Tel (818) 501-9200 Fax (818) 501-1554 Brendan F. Boyle, A-13th, D dan.maher@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-6111 Fax (202) 226-0611 Brian Fitzpatrick, PA-8th, R emery.boyer@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-4276 Fax (202) 225-9511 Brian Mast, FL-18th, R caitlin.mcbride@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-3026 Fax202-225-8398 Christopher H. Smith, NJ-4th, R daniel.tillson@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3765 Fax (202) 225-7768 Tel (732) 780-3035 Fax (732) 780-3079 Dan Donovan, NY-11th, R ronald.carara@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3371 Fax 718-630-5388 Dana Rohrabacher, CA-48th, R justin.ahn@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2415 Fax (714) 960-6483 Darrell Issa, CA-49th, R katie.weiss@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3906 Fax (202) 225-3303 Tel (760) 599-5000 Fax (760) 599-1178 David Cicilline, RI-1st, D alisa.sarkisian@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-4911 Fax (202) 225-3290 Dina Titus, NV-1st, D eva.hicks@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-5965 Ed Royce, Chairman, CA-39th, R kate.barlow@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-4111 Fax (202) 226-0335 Tel (626) 964-5123 Fax (626) 810-3891 Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member, NY-16th, D darlene.murray@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2464 Fax (202) 225-5513 Francis Rooney, FL-19th, R janae.cardinali@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2536 Fax (202) 226-3547 Gerald E. Connolly, VA-11th, D lauren.covintgton@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-1492 Fax (703) 354-1284 Gregory W. Meeks, NY-5th, D kim.fuller@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3461 Fax (202) 226-4169 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL-39th, R maytee.sanz@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3931 Fax (202) 225-5620 Jim Sensenbrenner, WI-5th, R jacob.peterson@mail.house.gov eliot.harding@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-5101 Fax (202) 225-3190 Joaquin Castro , TX-20th, D jacqueline.sanchez@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-3236 Fax 202-225-1915 Tel 210-348-8216 Fax 202-225-1915 Joe Wilson, SC-2nd, R emily.saleeby@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2452 Fax (202) 225-2455 Tel (803) 642-6416 Fax (803) 642-6418 Karen Bass, CA-37th, D bridget.brennan@mail.house.gov carrie.kohns@mail.house.gov brandon.neal@mail.house.gov lauren.radice@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-7084 Fax (202) 225-2422 Tel (323) 965-1422 Fax (323) 965-1113 Lee Zeldin, NY-1st, R nicole.paciello@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3826 Fax (202) 225-3143 Lois Frankel, FL-21st, D kate.regan@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-9890 Tel 561-998-9045 Fax 561-998-9048 Mark Meadows, NC-11th, R eliza.thurston@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-6401 Fax (202) 226-6422 Michael McCaul, TX-10th, R kelly.kotner@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2401 Fax (202) 225-5955 Mo Brooks, AL-5th, R kelly.zams@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-4801 Fax (256) 355-9406 Norma J. Torres, CA-35th, D bambi.yingst@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-6161 Fax (202) 225-8671 Tel (909) 481-6474 Fax (909) 941-1362 Paul Cook, CA-8th, R bert.johnson@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-5861 Tel (760)247-1815 Fax (909) 797-4997 Robin Kelly, IL-2nd, D tony.presta@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-0773 Fax (202) 225-4583 Ron De Santis, FL-6th, R mimi.rothfus@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2706 Fax (386) 302-0474 Scott Perry, PA-4th, R carol.wiest@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-5836 Fax 202-226-1000 Steve Chabot, OH-1st, R lisa.mcghie@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-2216 Fax (202) 225-3012 Tel (513) 684-2723 Fax (513) 421-8722 Ted Deutch, FL-22nd, D alex.rocha@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-3001 Fax 202-225-5974 Ted Lieu, CA-33rd, D jackie.conley@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3976 Fax (323) 651-1040 Ted Poe, TX-2nd, R gina.foote@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-6565 Fax (281) 446-0252 Ted Yoho, FL-3rd, R emily.scheinost@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-5744 Fax 202-225-3973 Tom Garrett, VA-5th, R tripp.grant@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-4711 Fax 202-225-5681 Tom Marino, PA-10th, R elizabeth.hyers@mail.house.gov Tel 202-225-3731 Fax 202-225-9594 Tom Suozzi, NY-3rd, D ellie.arbeit@mail.house.gov (202) 225-3335 Tulsi Gabbard, HI-2nd, D lauren.mcilvaine@mail.house.gov TulsiOffice@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-4906 Fax (202) 225-4987 William Keating, MA-9th, D david.oleksak@mail.house.gov Tel (202) 225-3111 Fax (202) 225-5658 Inne maile na które warto wysyłać list: tamara.edwards@mail.house.gov raphael.dominguez@mail.house.gov kaylan.koszela@mail.house.gov marguerite.biagi@mail.house.gov meghan.mccann@mail.house.gov gabrielle.hart@mail.house.gov ashley.pennington@mail.house.gov dan.maher@mail.house.gov emery.boyer@mail.house.gov caitlin.mcbride@mail.house.gov daniel.tillson@mail.house.gov ronald.carara@mail.house.gov justin.ahn@mail.house.gov katie.weiss@mail.house.gov alisa.sarkisian@mail.house.gov eva.hicks@mail.house.gov kate.barlow@mail.house.gov darlene.murray@mail.house.gov janae.cardinali@mail.house.gov lauren.covintgton@mail.house.gov kim.fuller@mail.house.gov maytee.sanz@mail.house.gov jacob.peterson@mail.house.gov eliot.harding@mail.house.gov jacqueline.sanchez@mail.house.gov emily.saleeby@mail.house.gov bridget.brennan@mail.house.gov carrie.kohns@mail.house.gov brandon.neal@mail.house.gov lauren.radice@mail.house.gov nicole.paciello@mail.house.gov kate.regan@mail.house.gov eliza.thurston@mail.house.gov kelly.kotner@mail.house.gov kelly.zams@mail.house.gov bambi.yingst@mail.house.gov bert.johnson@mail.house.gov tony.presta@mail.house.gov mimi.rothfus@mail.house.gov carol.wiest@mail.house.gov lisa.mcghie@mail.house.gov alex.rocha@mail.house.gov jackie.conley@mail.house.gov gina.foote@mail.house.gov emily.scheinost@mail.house.gov tripp.grant@mail.house.gov elizabeth.hyers@mail.house.gov ellie.arbeit@mail.house.gov lauren.mcilvaine@mail.house.gov TulsiOffice@mail.house.gov david.oleksak@mail.house.gov

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